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  1. Jennifer Williams says:

    Such great tips. Ive been organizing my guest room for the holidays. And, I am for sure going to add in some toiletries. Thank you for the tip!

  2. Great tips, loved all of them! Thanks for sharing!

  3. The blackout curtains reminded me that everyone should spend a night in their guest room to see what the experience is actually like. Are the curtains too thin? Is there an annoying light or beep somewhere? That’s the only way you’ll know. Thanks for sharing.

    1. These are all great tips. I try to reach out to guests ahead of time and ask about any dietary restrictions. I feel like everyone is always doing Whole 30 or not eating dairy or something random lol. I can never assume with our families ha.

  4. Donna Allen says:

    Perfect timing since we’ll be having overnight guests for the holidays! Thanks for the great tips! Donna

  5. Juliet | A Loverly Life says:

    ,Kristin, thank you for sharing such great tips. The blackout curtains are a must have and really make a huge difference.

  6. Barbara Chapman says:

    Welcome Christin! I’m so glad you found me at French Ethereal and Share Your Style!! I was happy to share your post at SYS #328 this week. <3 I have family coming down and up for an early Christmas this coming week and I have been keeping in mind ALL the things that have to happen beforehand (baby proofing, making the spare bed, towels already done and in the bathroom, still gotta clean the tub and bathroom… 😉 ). Oh, plus I work at an elementary school and there's all that, too. 😉

    Have a great week and enjoy your Christmastime,
    Barb 🙂

  7. Thank you for sharing at Grandma’s House We Go Link Party. There are some great ideas here.

    1. Christin | My Homier Home says:

      Thank you!! 🙂

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